Inner Path (90)

Items that Inner Path Natural Therapies Stock

Inner Path Natural Therapies stocks something for everyone! It sells goods from local businesses, such as organic teas from Kentucky whilst also supporting overseas communities. For example, Paul and Leigh stock gorgeous oriental products such as incense and energy sprays from a unique Indian women’s group- called Healing for Harmony.

Aside from these products, Inner Path Natural Therapies stock over 60 types of essential oils. As they buy these oils in bulk, they are approximately half the price of anywhere else.  These products also have a myriad of benefits for consumers.

Inner Path Natural Therapies stock a wide range of crystals. The wonderful thing about these crystals is, customers are welcome to touch and feel these gorgeous rocks! This means you can have the full sensory experience of each of the crystals, before deciding whether or not to purchase them. Many people enjoy having crystals around and love the energy they create. There is no doubt, crystals will enhance any room in your home!

If you don’t live in Armidale, Inner Path Natural Therapies has an online shop, so you don’t need to miss out!

Inner Path Natural Therapies also have a wide range of gifts which will be perfect for Christmas. Aside from the colourful crystals, they stock the very popular Salt Lamps. They have Feng shui items, which help with the flow of energy, and a large selection of jewellery. If you can’t choose, you can always purchase an Inner Path Natural Therapies gift voucher!

When you shop at Inner Path Natural Therapies you can be confident, you will also be supporting other small businesses and young creatives. Leigh achieves this by following the social media accounts of young start-up businesses and designers. Just recently, a young Victorian jewellery designer was thrilled that Leigh had found her products online. Leigh now stocks this distinctive jewellery in the shop!

Once Leigh and Paul create a relationship with another small business, they tend to stay faithful to them. In fact, they have been working with some small businesses for more than 20 years!


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